February 10th was webOS Hackday atĀ the Liip Zurich Office. Palm provided some brand new Pre 2 developer devices to try out and keep (!). I started with talking about cross-platform development options (PhoneGap, jQuery Mobile, Jo) and how they can be used on webOS. We next talked about and went through a short tutorial about the Palm specific Mojo Framework for development. More hands-on learning was made with going through some application examples (RSS Reader with YQL, HTML5 Canvas and Audio and using Webservices).

After a lunch filled with discussion, we started creating a new webOS application from scratch: Telefonbuch. We used the Jo Framework (joapp.com), that way the Application can easily be adapted to not only run in a mobile browser, but also packaged with PhoneGap to run on iOS, Android, Blackberry or Nokia.Ā 

At the end of the day, we learned a lot and got to experience the webOS platform and it's ease of development.