I finally managed to play around with JPSpan

written by Harry Fuecks. ā€œJPSpan provides tools to ā€˜hook up' PHP and

Javascript, for the purpose of fetching data from PHP into a web page

which has already loaded, without reloading the entire page.ā€ This

basically means you can call ā€œremoteā€ PHP methods from within

JavaScripts and takes the LiveSeach

idea one step further. It's very easy to use and you get for example the result of a DB query from

within JavaScript with a few lines of code.

I can imagine a lot of uses for this. An immediate one is for

more ā€œintelligentā€ forms in the admin interface. For example for

automatic checking of correct URIs (which has to be checked against the

existing URIs in the DB and can't be done with a simple Regex)

But my master plan is, to replace the whole submit/save/reload circle

with a more ā€œnaturalā€ way. So if you click ā€œsubmitā€, the page isn't

send, but just the data in the background. The page has not to be

reloaded and you just can work further on the same document. The same should go for loading

a new record entry, just choose it from an (automaticly retrieved)

pop-down field and the data is loaded from the network, without having

to reload the whole page.

Our current forms interface for DB entries in the admin of BxCMS is

ages old and needs a decent rewrite. Let's see, if we can do something

really cool with JPSpan and hopefully patForms. The same goes for the

blog admin interface.

Unfortunately, JPSpan doesn't currently run on Safari. I'll have to

dig into the sources, or someone should just donate Harry a Mac ;)

Update: It works on Safari. Was a 4 letter hack on the server side (The solution should show up on the JPSpan maillist archive in a few minutes)

Update II: Of course, GMail was one of the first, which brought this

technique to widespread use and awareness. Urs sent me some links about

this topic:

ā€“ Mark Pilgrim

ā€“ Bloglines Citations