Today I worked again a little bit on (XSL)TAL, a replacement of XSLT

for simple needs (maybe also for powerfull stuff, never really used TAL

for something more that a simple website). I updated the Wiki Page, added some examples using the one Bertrand used in his proposal for an attribute based template language and last but not least, I wrote a mail about that

to the cocoon-dev mailinglist. Let's see, what they think about it ;)

But I have the impression, they don't like TAL for some reasons. They

do like the Attribute Based approach, just not TAL itself. Not Invented

Here syndrom? Or is it really not as simple as it could be? /me can't

judge at the moment.

I also added two new attributes. tal:match adds a simple replacement mechanism like xsl:template matchers within TAL and with tal:include

you can include external XSLT stylesheets for greater flexibilty (eg.

defining xsl:templates in a central place or writing more complex

stuff). See the wiki page mentioned above for a little bit more info.