What is a StyleGuide for ?

It is a long-term and flexible solution listing and exemplifying web components and tools useful to create a website. For instance, it explains how to use each component, how they should appear on the web and interact. It is a support for developers while integrating, and useful for designers, as it allows them to keep a general vision on the style and the system's functionalities. It is obviously necessary to keep a StyleGuide up-to-date, anytime the Corporate Design or Corporate Identity is modified.

Why is it for the Swiss Confederation useful?

The Swiss Confederation is split in multiple departments, each of them owning one or more website. The StyleGuide supplies them a common ground for the creation and their websites, while ensuring a coherent visual identity for the user.Ā The StyleGuide does not only offers web-component AA certified according to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines' recommendations about accessibility, it also provides additional information. The StyleGuide aims at ensuring a wide access to information to any kind of users, including disabled people (for instance sight or hearing disability). These recommendations are also useful to all users.

Swiss Confederation Web Guideline 3

Swiss Confederation web guidelines define the graphic guidelines of the Swiss Confederation on the web. It ensure coherence on the different websites developed under the admin.ch domain.

Innovations of the 3 version

  1. Change in the system generating the StyleGuide. Hologram (coded in Ruby) was replaced by Fabricator (identic but coded in Node). It facilitates its installation and development with Windows
  2. It is translated in the swiss national languages
  3. The components' accessibility is improved (AA)
  4. Problems raised on Github solved

Who are the users ?

The StyleGuide is to be used by internal federal project manager and external service providers. The code is opensource, each can use, modify, solve issues or propose improvement.Ā The StyleGuide is very convenient to use in all projects and easy to install with NPM or Bower. It is possible to download an archive or duplicate the project from Github. The whole installation process is available on Github.

The last version of the StyleGuide is built on a Fabricator. It is automatically multilingually generated with Gulp. Gulp is also gathers and improve all necessary files for the framework to work properly. The documentation is written in markdown, the components are dynamic templates Handlebars. The translation is performed with the support of a personalised Handelbars, referencing translated files in YAML.